Antidote 3 Rattler Antivenin is shown to be effective against envenomation in canine and equine due to North American Crotalidae. Crotalidae refers
Antidote 3 Rattler Antivenin is shown to be effective against envenomation in canine and equine due to North American Crotalidae. Crotalidae refers to the Crotalinae subfamily (commonly named ‘Pit Vipers’) and includes cottonmouths/water moccasins, copperheads and rattlesnakes. Antidote 3 Rattler Antivenin includes antibodies against, among other Crotalidae, Mohave Rattlesnake Type A which is often considered to be the most lethal rattlesnake due to the presence of highly debilitating neurotoxin A, also known as ‘The Mohave Toxin’. Use of Antidote 3 Rattler Antivenin within 24 hours of snakebite neutralizes venom, decreases swelling, minimizes pain and decreases temperature of canine and equine patients.
- Three-year shelf life – Stored frozen, good for three years from manufacture date.
- Ready to use in five minutes – Thaw using a warm water bath; does NOT require reconstitution or dilution.
- Cross-protective – Shown to be effective against envenomation in canine and equine due to North American Crotalidae. Crotalidae refers to the Crotalinae subfamily (commonly named ‘Pit Vipers’) and includes cottonmouths/water moccasins, copperheads, and rattlesnakes.
- Neutralizes venom – Packaged in a “one-and-done” IV pouch. Potent enough to treat the typical envenomation case with a single 50 mL dose, regardless of the size of dog or horse. (In rare cases of severe or multiple bites, more than one dose may be needed. A veterinarian always needs to observe the patient to determine if multiple doses are needed.)
- Decreases swelling
- Reduces and/or eliminates pain
- Decreases temperature
- Reduces overall hospitalization time
- Neutralizes Mohave Venom A – The only licensed product that includes specific antibodies proven to neutralize venom from Mohave Rattlesnake Type A.
- Only antivenin licensed for both canine and equine.
- Safe to use – May be used alongside typical post-snake bite therapies.
- Safe with vaccine – Safe and compatible for use in previously vaccinated patients. Shares no common proteins with the industry’s most widely used rattlesnake vaccine.
- Made in the USA – The first approved and USDA licensed antivenin
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