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Catosal is a solution for injection that is a metabolic stimulant solution with phosphorus and vitamin B12 for cattle, horses, dogs and cats. a stimulator of metabolism and tonic.100 ml of the preparation contain the following active ingredients:

  • shtafosfan – 10 gr.
  • cyanocobalamin – 0.005 gr.

As well as excipients: butanol, sodium hydroxide, water for injection.

Description for Catosal
Clear pink solution.

Pharmacological properties 
Katozal 10% – a stimulator of metabolism and tonic. Active ingredients that are part of the drug Katozal 10%, have a stimulating effect on the metabolic processes (protein, carbon dioxide, fat metabolism), increase the body’s resistance to adverse factors, promote the growth and development of animals.

Tonic that stimulates the metabolism of horses, cattle, pigs, sheep, goats, dogs, cats, fur animals and poultry.

Indications for use:

  • metabolic disorders caused by poor feeding, animal care, various diseases;
  • feeding disturbances, development as a result of diseases when young animals are raised;
  • to stimulate labor and as an adjunct in the treatment of hypocalcemia;
  • postpartum disease, exhaustion, after a difficult delivery, as well as an adjunct in the treatment of infertility;
  • with titanic syndromes and paresis;
  • in a weakened state in animals;
  • with secondary anemia, anemia with helminthiasis;
  • to increase the body’s resistance;
  • to speed up and reduce the process of molting in poultry, as well as cannibalism;
  • to increase the muscle activity of healthy animals.

Dosage and method of administration
Katozal 10% is administered to animals intravenously, intramuscularly, subcutaneously or with drinking water (bird).


  •  horses and cattle – 10-25 ml;
  •  foals and calves – 5-12 ml;
  •  sheep, goats – 2.5-8 ml;
  •  lambs – 1.5-2.5 ml;
  •  pigs – 2.5-10 ml;
  •  piglets – 1-2.5 ml;
  •  dogs – 0.5-5 ml;
  •  cats, fur animals – 0.5-2.5 ml.

If necessary, the drug is re-administered the next day.

For poultry Catosal, 10% is added to drinking water at the rate of:
chickens and young stock – 1-1.5 ml. on 1 l. drinking water;
broilers and laying hens – 2-3 ml. on 1 l. drinking water.

In chronic diseases, as well as healthy animals, half of the dose ofis prescribed 10% of the above. If necessary, a course of treatment with Catosal 10% is repeated after 5-14 days.

Contraindications of   not installed.
Cautions: no.

Form release: release Catozal 10% in the form of a sterile solution, packaged in 100 ml. in hermetically sealed vials.

Store the drug out of the reach of children, separately from feed and food at a temperature of 5-25 ° C.

Shelf life – 5 years from the date of manufacture, after opening the bottle – 28 days.




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