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Duphalyte 500ml

Original price was: $55.00.Current price is: $50.00.

Duphalyte 500ml Electrolyte, Energy substance, Amino Acid and Vitamin in solution for injection Laboratorio PFIZER, SA.Solution for injection (Sol.i.) Composition per ml: Calcium chloride (dihydrate) 0.23 mg; magnesium sulfate (heptahydrate)


Duphalyte 500ml Electrolyte, Energy substance, Amino Acid and Vitamin in solution for injection Laboratorio PFIZER, SA.Solution for injection (Sol.i.) Composition per ml: Calcium chloride ( 0.23 mg; magnesium sulfate (0.29 mg; potassium chloride 0http://www.tacomavetmedication.com

.20 mg .; dextrose 45.46 mg; arginine (hydrochloride) 25 ƒÊg; cysteine ​​(hydrochloride) 0.01 mg; Phenylalanine 0.03 mg; glutamic acid (sodium salt monohydrate) 0.04 mg; histidine (hydrochloride ) 0.01 mg;isoleucine 0.01 mg; leucine 0.04 mg; lysine (hydrochloride) 0.03 mg; e 0.01 mg; threonine 0.02 mg; tryptophan 0.01 mg; valine 0.05 mg; cyanocobalamin 0.05 ƒÊg; 0.05 mg; nicotinamide 1.50 mg; hydrochloride 0.10 mg;riboflavin 0.04 mg; thiamine 0.10 mg.
Pharmacological properties General characteristics: The product provides a correct balance between water, minerals, vitamins and amino acids, in those animals lacking any of these compounds.

Interactions and incompatibilities: None known.

Indications and target species: Birds: Dehydration and convalescence.
Pigs, Bovine and Equine: Dehydration, anorexia, bacterial enteritis and convalescence.
Dogs and Cats: Dehydration, anorexia, bacterial enteritis, vomiting and convalescence.
Product, in general, also recommended as support therapy in animals weakened by electrolyte imbalance and hypoproteinemia; in cases of incompetence, surgical operations, hemorrhages, excessive sweating, vascular shocks, exhaustion, weight loss, fever, inflammation of the digestive tract, and before transport, in all pets.

Contraindications: None known.

Side effects: Intravenous administration too quickly can cause nausea, vomiting and general malaise. If this happened, it would be enough to interrupt the application until the animal returned to its normal state and then continue the administration at a lower speed.
Intravenous administration route slow, intraperitoneal or subcutaneous.
– Slow intravenous: pigs, cattle, horses, dogs and cats.
– Intraperitoneal: pigs and cattle.
– Subcutaneous: birds (at the back of the neck), pigs, cattle, dogs and cats.
It is recommended to use sterile syringes and inject the preparation at body temperature.

Dosage: Poultry: 10 ml / kg pv In 1-day-old chicks: 0.5 ml / chick.
Pigs, Cattle and Equine: Adult animal: 20 ml / 10 kg pv Young animal: 60 ml / 10 kg pv
Dogs and Cats: 10 ml / kg pv
Administration may be repeated as many times as necessary.

Waiting time: Not accurate.
Conservation mode Store in a cool, dry place and protected from light.

Observations: With veterinary prescription.
Presentation Bottles with 500 ml.


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