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Original price was: $50.00.Current price is: $45.00.


ANTOPLEX GALLOS is balanced with mineral salts that act as antianemic and tonic (ferrous sulfate). It has great catalytic power (manganese), combats pain, helps digestion and favors the good use of nutrients by the organism (potassium sulfate and zinc sulfate). This drug ensures maintenance of vital metabolic functions, intervenes in growth and feather and beak development; it helps normalize nervous, digestive and cardiac activities. This is an essential antianemic ferruginous preparation, present in the hemoglobin and viscera (liver and spleen), as well as in the red marrow

Gamecocks: 1 capsule daily rest periods; 2 daily capsules 10 days before the fight.ANTOPLEX GALLOS

Breeding birds: 2 capsules daily for 30 days. Repeated 15 days later.

Stallions: 1 capsule every four days and one day in reproductive stage.

High-flying pigeons: 1 capsule daily 20 days before each competition and 45 days after the flight.

ADMINISTRATION: Oral. Direct bird’s beak before food.

It has great catalytic power (manganese), combats pain, helps digestion and favors the good use of nutrients by the organism (potassium sulfate and zinc sulfate). This drug ensures maintenance of vital metabolic functions, intervenes in growth and feather and beak development; it helps normalize nervous, digestive and cardiac activities. This is an essential antianemic ferruginous preparation, present in the hemoglobin and viscera (liver and spleen), as well as in the red marrow

Gamecocks: 1 capsule daily rest periods; 2 daily capsules 10 days before the fight.https://www.tacomavetmedication.com


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