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Dexamethasone injection

Original price was: $50.00.Current price is: $45.00.


Dexamethasone injection is used to treat severe allergic reactions. It is used in the management of certain types of edema fluid retention toward a certain nerve or group of nerves to treat pain. The purpose of the injection is to “turn off” a pain signal coming from a specific location in the body or to decrease inflammation in that area.Usually a nerve block procedure takes 5-20 minutes but the part with the needle last about 1 minute. It takes another 15-45 minutes to start working fully depending on the area numb, the medication used and your personal response to the medication
You may experience soreness or a feeling of fullness at the injection site. You may experience muscle spasms. You may experience a neck ache or backache. Your blood pressure. pain signal coming from a specific location in the body or to decrease inflammation in that area.Usually a nerve block procedure takes 5-20 minutes but the part with the needle last about 1 minute. It takes another 15-45 minutes to start working fully depending on the area numb, the medication used and your personal response to the medication. Dexamethasone injection
You may experience soreness or a feeling of fullness at the injection site. You may experience muscle spasms. You may experience a neck ache or backache. Your blood pressure may decrease or increase.

purpose of the injection is to “turn off” a pain signal coming from a specific location in the body or to decrease inflammation in that area. Dexamethasone injection

Usually a nerve block procedure takes 5-20 minutes but the part with the needle last about 1 minute. It takes another 15-45 minutes to start working fully depending on the area numb, the medication used and your personal response to the medication
You may experience soreness or a feeling of fullness at the injection.


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