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Enduro Blast 50ml

Original price was: $180.00.Current price is: $170.00.


Enduro Blast 50ml has been scientifically developed to producing a significant increase in blood supply to muscles and the heart, and hence increases yet regulates the oxygen release of red blood cells and essential nutrient supply to these areas during racing and competition and training including hard work;

Enduro Blast 50ml has been scientifically developed to producing a significant increase in blood supply to muscles and the heart, and hence increases yet regulates the oxygen release of red blood cells and essential nutrient supply to these areas during racing and competition and training including hard work.



Muscular & Heart Supplement for Camels & Horses for Enduro Blast 50ml

WHAT ENDURO BLAST for Enduro Blast 50ml ?

Enduro Blast 50ml  is a scientifically developed supplement which combines the benefits of ITPP (Myo-inositol trispyrophosphate), AMP-5 (Adenosine-5-monophosphate) and a specifically selected enzyme. ITPP is a synthetic allosteric effector of hemoglobin which increases the regulated oxygen releasing capacity of red blood cells leading to increased energy and performance and AMP-5 is a potent natural vasodilator which increases blood circulation to both skeletal and cardiac muscle. It can be used in anticipation of severe cardiac load in athletic animals or as a treatment for myocardial oxygen deficit.


Enduro Blast modifies the hemoglobin in the red blood cell to release more oxygen as the red blood cell enters tissues which require oxygen. It also increases the essential nutrient supply to the muscles and heart during hard work as well as improves the efficiency of waste product removal such as lactic acid delaying the onset of muscle fatigue (i.e. of value in treatment and prevention of Tying Up). Because of its potent vasodilation effect on cardiac muscles, it is also effective in treatment and prevention of heart strain and exercise induced “T Wave” changes in horses.


Delays the onset of muscle fatigue and cramping to allow the animal to train and race for longer periods and to prevent severe cardiac load. It also increases blood flow, energy, blood supply to muscle tissue and prevents heart strain. Increases the normal energy levels of the horse or camel to significantly improve performance in high intensity activities.


Available in 50ml bottles.

INGREDIENTS for  Enduro Blast 50ml 

Myo-inositol trispyrophosphate (ITPP), Disodic
adenosine monophosphate (AMP), Selected Enzyme



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