Welcome to Tacoma Vet Medications


Original price was: $90.00.Current price is: $80.00.

HY-50 VET is indicated for Intra-articular and intravenous treatment of lameness caused by joint dysfunction associated with non-infectious synovitis.

HY-50 VET is indicated for Intra-articular and intravenous treatment of lameness caused by joint dysfunction associated with non-infectious synovitis.HY-50 VET ’s fermentation and purification processes, coupled with its high molecular weight, make it the sodium hyaluronate of choice. Delivering a high dose of sodium hyaluronate per ml,  manufacturing method produces a highly effective and easy to use injection, free from animal proteins and therefore presenting minimal opportunity for adverse local reaction HY-50 VET

Indicated for intra-articular and intravenous treatment of lameness caused by joint dysfunction associated with non-infectious synovitis,  is presented in a pre-loaded syringe, delivering 51 mg of sodium hyaluronate per 3 ml.
When intra-articular medication is deemed inappropriate, or where there is more than one affected joint,  may be used intravenously. The dose regime is 1 syringe of given 3 times at weekly intervals.

  • High dose (17 mgl), low volume high molecular weight hyaluronic acid (HA) per ml.
  • 51 mg HA per syringe, allowing you to treat 1 large or 2 small joints.
  • Intra-articular or Intravenous injection.
  • Pre-filled 3 ml syringe.
    • Intra-articular:HY-50 VET
    • Indicated for intra-articular and intravenous treatment of lameness caused by joint dysfunction associated with non-infectious synovitis,  is presented in a pre-loaded syringe, delivering 51 mg of sodium hyaluronate per 3 ml.
      When intra-articular medication is deemed inappropriate, or where there is more than one affected joint,  may be used intravenously. The dose regime is 1 syringe of given 3 times at weekly intervals.
    • Medium and large joints
      • 3ml – one syringe.
      • Small joints (e.g intertarsal)
      • 1.5ml – half a syringe.

        How to use


    Available: 17 mg/ml 3 ml single dose Syringe /www.tacomavetmedication.com


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