power shoot
power shoot has earned it place among the best stimulants in time. With a patented secret formula, this medicine brings out the best of the horses and camels when comes to racing. works as a respiratory stimulant, increase endurance and provides energy and power to the muscles setting a clear advantage among the rivals..power shoot
Horses: Apply 10 ml every day for 5 days before the race. IV – IM (Last dosis must be applied 4 hs before the competition)
Camels: Apply 7 ml every day for 5 days before the race. IV – IM (Last dosis must be applied 4 hs before the competition)
orses and camels when comes to racing. works as a respiratory stimulant, increase endurance and provides energy and power to the muscles setting a clear advantage among the rivals..
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Breathing & Oxygen (التنفس والأكسجين), Dr Martin Selection (تم اختياره من قبل الطبيب), Endurance (قدرة التحمل), Energy & Power (طاقة) Tags: ATP, bronchodilator, crotalus, endurance, energy, Max, power, stamina,
Horses: Apply 10 ml every day for 5 days before the race. IV – IM (Last dosis must be applied 4 hs before the competition)
Camels: Apply 7 ml every day for 5 days before the race. IV – IM (Last dosis must be applied 4 hs before the competition)
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