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VECTA Iron Folic Acid

Original price was: $100.00.Current price is: $95.00.

VECTA Iron Folic Acid supplement is a complete blend of two essential ingredients; Iron and Folic Acid. Both ingredients are required for optimal red blood cell and haemoglobin production.


VECTA Iron Folic Acid supplement is a complete blend of two essential ingredients; Iron and Folic Acid. Both ingredients are required for optimal red blood cell and haemoglobin production. VECTA Iron Folic Acid is a highly concentrated formula which produces a rapid response in anaemic horses. Iron is necessary, not only in anaemic horses, but it also plays a vital part in a horse’s everyday diet.

Folic Acid, the Added Benefit

The role of Folic Acid is of great importance; as it is required for red cell production. Without Folic Acid, absorption of iron is greatly diminished.

What is Iron Deficient Anaemia?

Anaemia is a deficiency of red blood cells and/or haemoglobin, which may be due to an iron deficient diet or poor absorption of Iron. VECTA superior Iron Folic Acid supplies the ingredients necessary to prevent anaemia; being readily absorbed by the system, and promoting a rapid recovery in the anaemic hors

Signs and symptoms of Iron deficiency Anaemia

  • The horse is not interested in track work and has a decreased tolerance to exercise: which is evidenced by excessive blowing, and often a rapid heart rate.
  • The anaemic horse has poor race performance.
  • Horses are unable to supply sufficient oxygen to muscles, and therefore tire easily. The horse’s staying power will be affected, its overall speed reduced, and it will have no energy reserves to leverage from.

Iron – Oral is Most Effective

The best means of administering iron to avoid side effects, is the oral route. Not all iron compounds are as easily absorbed as VECTA Iron Folic, which has been specifically designed to be administered orally. It is best administered mixed into a slightly dampened feed, with water or molasses. This prevents any loss of product during feeding. Care must be taken not to feed iron with Vitamin E, as this can prevent the absorption of iron. A marked improvement should be noted within 10-14 days, once VECTA Iron Folic is added to the diet, assuming the horse is worm free.


VECTA Iron Folic Acid contains more than 10 times of Iron than other leading brands.


Available Sizes

1.5KG – 50 Doses

3KG – 100 Doses


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